She lived ?? years.
   Father  : Władysław SMYCZYŃSKI 1860-1908    Father  : Tomasz WALCZAK 1837-18??   
   Mother : Konstancya KONIECZNA 1866-1949 Mother : Katarzyna NOWAK 1854-18??   
Married Born : Husband
Wiktoria SMYCZYNSKA Tuesday, December 20, 1887 Franciszek WALCZAK
Krotoszyn - Poland Act 14 - Wiktoria 21 / Franciszek 25
Wednesday, September 22, 1909
Baptized: St Joseph Church Herten - Germany
Sunday, December 25, 1887 Priest : ?
Wiktoria SMYCZYŃSKA Krotoszyn Church - Poland Witnesses : Franciszek WALCZAK
Wiktoria WALCZAK Godfather : Jan ŁAKOWSKI Adalbert JARACZYNSKI 1884-1935
Godmother : Marianna SWORA Johann MALECKI
Priest : Edward KEGEL Children
(1909/1910) Germany Death : Marta 1910-2004
(19??/1920) Poland after 1951 ? Louis 1912-1969
(1921/1922) France Hersin-Coupigny - France If 19??-19??
Ignacy 1920-19??
Astrological Sign Burried : Jean 1922-1989
19?? Joseph 1924-1946
? - France "Special Page" If 192?-19??
"Jean (Yanek) WALCZAK" Josephine 1929-1932
Sagittarius Hersin-Coupigny N° 26 General Gouraud Street Menu "Family" on Top Marie 1932-1996
Mention of marriage on Wictoria's birth certificate (cum Franciscus Walczyk). The deed confirms Herten (Germany) St. Joseph's Church.
After more than 20 years of research, the marriage certificate accurately confirms all of the couple's information.
Family photo sent by "Marta". The only one known to the whole family in Europe is Marta Walczak.
(Handwritten note on the back: "this is the only photo of Mum that I have")?
Scene and costumes typical of the Germany in 1909.
The bride was in black... Mourning (Wiktoria`s father died in April 1908) or presumably a local fashion story?
This is most likely the wedding photo of Wiktorie (21) and Franciszek (25) in 1909.
The photos at the top of the page are from another era and thanks to the family resemblance they do not contradict each other...
Pour info
Franciszek (François) WALCZYK et ou WALCZAK
Naissance :
12 Septembre 1884 à Namysłaki (Deutschhof) (Acte 83 1884) - Pologne
Décès : 1 Février 1935 - Hersin-Coupigny, (Acte 12 1935) - France

"Deutschhof" est le nom Allemand de "Namysłaki", Powiat Ostrzeszów, Grande Pologne.
Paroisse rzymskokatolicka pw. Narodzenia Najswietszej Maryi Panny de Kotlów
Urzad Stanu Cywilnego Strzyzew
    Tuesday, October 22, 2024     Polish Name day : Halki, Filipa, Przybysława