On źyl 62 lata
  Ojciec : Józef OSADA 1850-1897   Ojciec : Józef WIŚNIEWSKI   
  Matka : Teofila BRUDOWA 1858-±1960   Matka : Julianna MUSZYŃSKA  
Żonaty Urodzenie : Żona
Ignacy OSADA Piątek, 31 Grudzień 1875 Małżeństwo Franciszka WIŚNIEWSKA
Władysławowo, Gmina KLECZEW - Polska Akt 10 - Ignacy 33 / Franciszka 19
Poniedziałek, 24 Luty 1908
Chrzest : Mielno, Gmina Wierzbinek, Parafia Broniszewo - Polska
Piątek, 31 Grudzień 1875 Kościoł Broniszewo
Ignacy Kościoł KLECZEW - Polska Franciszka
Ojciec chrzestny : Józef SKUBISZEWSKI
Matka chrzestna : Ewa JAKUBOWSKA Dzieci
Imigracaja Świadek : Szymon MIKUŁA
 Marianna 1910-2006
1 - USA 1905 (Ignacy) * Zgon :  Pelagia 1915-2005
1905 - 1908 Piątek, 25 Luty 1938 Kościoł Św. Benowa  Stephanie 1917-1992
Mieszkal Pittsburgh PA "La Hérrère" Lupiac, Gers - Francja BRONISZEWO  Edward 1920-2005
Świadek : Albert LASSERRE (Stolarz) Gmina Wierzbinek  Janine 1923-2000
2 - USA 1912 (Rodzina)  Françoise 1926-1982
SS Amerika Grzebana :  Raymond 1933-2014
de CUXHAVEN, 29 Mai 1912 ** 2? Luty 1938 Droga rodziny
à NEW YORK le 8 Juin 1912 Cmentarz Lupiac, Gers - Francja Polska
SS Amerika Mielno - Ostrowite - Siemonia W Menu Dokumentu
3 - Francja (Rodzina) *** Ameryka Specjalny LUPIAC
1922/1923 Chicago (1912) - Dunkirk (1915) - Niagara Falls (1918) D'ARTAGNAN
Znak astralny Francja SS AMERIKA
Północ - Noeux les Mines
Gers - Saint-Germé - Sainte-Radegonde
(2) SS Amerika Lupiac
* 1er séjour sur le sol Américain, entré clandestinement aux Usa, depuis le Canada, à Niagara Falls...
** Ce Mercredi 29 Mai 1912, au départ de Cuxhaven, les cornes de brumes du SS Amerika, n'ont pu qu'amplifier le degrès d'angoisse éprouvé par les passagers, personne n'avait oublié la tragédie du dimanche 14 avril (50 jours plus tôt).
Ce jour-lò, le plus grand paquebot jamais construit, qualifié d'insubmersible, sombrait sur cette même route, faisant au moins 1500 victimes... Le RMS Titanic, lui aussi construit par les chantiers Britannique "Harland and Wolff"
*** Les derniers roubles russes et couronnes autrichiennes, laissés par les anciens occupants, sont échangés en 1920 contre des Marks Polonais,
dont l'impression a commencé depuis un an, et qui deviennent la monnaie unique de Pologne.
Par rapport au dollar, le mark polonais est dévalué de 80.000 fois en cinq ans.
Hyper-inflation sous la République de Weimar
En 1914 1 Us $ vaut 4,20 Marks,
le 21 octobre 1922 il faut 4430 marks pour 1 us $,
49000 le 31 janvier 1923,
53 000 000 le 7 septembre
et 4 2000 000 000 le 20 novembre 1923.
En 1924, un changement de monnaie est opéré, et la nouvelle reprend le nom de złotys, longtemps utilisée en Pologne. Le taux est de 1.8000.000 marks pour 1 złotys.
Na pokładzie SS Amerika podczas przeprawy.
Żyli 1420 (Karta rejestracyjna) lub i 1432 (City katalog 1920) Falls Street, Niagara Falls, NY
Kościoł Holy Trinity, 1427 Falls Street, Niagara Falls, NY.
Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church Complex

is a historic Polish, Roman Catholic and former church located at Niagara Falls in Niagara County, New York within the Diocese of Buffalo.
The complex was constructed between 1906 and 1914 and consists of the church, school, rectory, convent, and garage.
The church is built of random course stone walls and has a steeply pitched, slate shingled gable roof.
It features a central facade tower with spire and Romanesque Revival detailing.
The complex was purchased by a not-for-profit group, Niagara Heritage of Hope and Service, in 2009.
It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2010.

Rev. Alexander PITASS,
a well known pastor of St. Stanislaus Parish in Buffalo, New York, was born in Piekarach na Slazku, Siliesia.
He was the son of Nicholas and Julia Letocha Pitass.
He was educated in Poland as a youth, and came to the United States in 1893, entering St Francis Seminary near Milwaukee Wisconson.
He remained there until 1898 and then completed studies for the priesthood at the Polish College in Rome, Italy,
and was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Buffalo, New York, in October 28, 1903.
When he returned to the United States, he was appointed assistant pastor of St. Stanislaus parish in Buffalo.
His pastor was the founding pastor of the parish and his uncle, Rev. John Pitass.
In 1900, he was made pastor of Holy Trinity Parish in Niagara Falls and, upon the death of his uncle in 1914,
was appointed to succeed his uncle at St. Stanislaus.
Msgr Pitass was Officialis of the Diocese, a diocesan trustee, synodal examiner and a member of the board
of Directors of the Diocesan Paper, the Union and Echo.
In addition, he was president of the Polish Clergymen's Associaton, and often headed delegations of Buffalo priests
to national meetings of the Polish Clergy.
He was the recipient of many awards for his work.
Msgr. Pitass was active in supporting the cause of a free and restored Poland after both World Wars.
His brother, Rev. Peter Pitass was also a priest of the Diocese of Buffalo.
Rejestr Pasażera w chwili przybycia "New York" 08 czerwca 1912.
Passenger list, Steerage page 3
SS Amerika - Ignacy Osada
1. No. on List:
2. NAME IN FULL: Osada, Ignatz
3. Age: 30
4. Sex: M
5. Married or Single: married
6. Calling or Occupation: farm laborer
7. Able to Read: yes - Write: yes
8. Nationality (Country of which citizen or subject): Russia
9. Race or People*: Polish
10. Last Permanent Residence: Ostrowik (Ostrowite)
11. The name and complete address of nearest relative or friend in country whence alien came: Mother Teofila Osada Ostrowik (ostrowite)
12. Final Destination - State: IL Town: Chicago
(Page 2)
13. No. on List :
14. Whether having a ticket for such final destination: yes
15. By whom was passage paid?: self
16. Whether in possession of $50, and if less, how much?: $500 ($100 1912 = ±$2400 today)
17. Whether ever before in the United States and if so, where and when?: yes, 1905-1908 Pittsburg
18. Whether going to join a relative or friend; and if so, what relative or friend, and his name and complete address:
Brother-in-law: Józef Wisniewski, Illinois Av 5012, Chicagi, IL
19. Ever in prison or almshouse or institution for care of the insane, or supported by charity? If so, which?:
20. Whether a Polygamist: No
21. Whether an Anarchist: No
22. Whether coming by reason of any offer, affiliation, promise or agreement expressed or implied, to labor in the United States: No
23. Condition of Health, Mental and Physical: good
24. Deformed or Crippled. Nature, length of time, and cause: No
25. Height: 5'10" (1m78)
26. Complexion: fair
27. Color of Hair / Eyes: dbr/grey
28. Marks of Identification: none
29. Place of Birth: Country: Russia City or Town: Ostrowik (Ostrowite)
Passenger list, Steerage page 3
SS Amerika - Franciszka Wisniewska Osada
1. No. on List:
2. NAME IN FULL: Osada, Franciszka
3. Age: 22
4. Sex: F
5. Married or Single: married
6. Calling or Occupation: farm laborer
7. Able to Read: no - Write: no
8. Nationality (Country of which citizen or subject): Russia
9. Race or People*: Polish
10. Last Permanent Residence: Ostrowik (Ostrowite)
11. The name and complete address of nearest relative or friend in country whence alien came: Mother Teofila Osada Ostrowik
12. Final Destination - State: IL Town: Chicago
(Page 2)
13. No. on List :
14. Whether having a ticket for such final destination: yes
15. By whom was passage paid?: Husband
16. Whether in possession of $50, and if less, how much?: $400 ($100 1912 = ±$2400 today)
17. Whether ever before in the United States and if so, where and when?: no
18. Whether going to join a relative or friend; and if so, what relative or friend, and his name and complete address:
Brother-in-law: Józef Wisniewski, Illinois Av 5012, Chicago, IL (Brother)
19. Ever in prison or almshouse or institution for care of the insane, or supported by charity? If so, which?:
20. Whether a Polygamist: No
21. Whether an Anarchist: No
22. Whether coming by reason of any offer, affiliation, promise or agreement expressed or implied, to labor in the United States: No
23. Condition of Health, Mental and Physical: good
24. Deformed or Crippled. Nature, length of time, and cause: Pregnant
25. Height: 5'2" (1m58)
26. Complexion: fair
27. Color of Hair / Eyes: dbr/grey
28. Marks of Identification: none
29. Place of Birth: Country: Russia City or Town: Ostrowik (Ostrowite)
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    Czwartek 2 Maj 2024     Imieniny obchodzą : Anatol, Zygmunt, Anastazy